
Skin Revitalization

If you’re in the habit of using concealers to cover-up skin imperfections, skin revitalization is for you.Through a fractional laser device, gentle light pulses are targeted on the “problem spots” to activate collagen and elastin.

Older, tired cells give way to healthier, new ones, activating your body’s natural regenerative properties. For selective reduction of aging on your neck, hands and face, reduce rosacea, sun damage, unwanted facial veins and birth-marks, this powerful technology is best.

Skincare for Laser Treatments

It is important to care for your skin before and after any fractional treatment. Best results are visible only after the skin heals completely.

Before Treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure right before the treatment or use sunscreen
  • Eat healthy and drink water before your treatment to prevent dehydration.
  • Avoid medications that may cause allergies or sun sensitivity for at least three days prior to your treatment.
  • Let our specialists know of any medications you may be taking, ahead of the procedure.

After Treatment

Your skin will take a week or two to heal completely. During this time, it will be more sensitive than usual. Please follow all guidelines to prevent infection:

  • Our specialists cover the treated area with ice packs and protective creams to reduce swelling, redness and any discomfort.
  • You may be advised to use an ice pack for 15-20 minutes over the next few days.
  • Avoid baths till the area is completely healed. Daily showers are safe.
  • Use only the creams that our skincare expert advice.
  • Avoid saunas, swimming, hot tubs or Jacuzzi for two weeks after your treatment.
  • Do not attempt to remove hair during the healing process
  • Keep the area covered with the bandage provided. Change it as advised.
  • Avoid makeup until the area has healed.
  • Call us at once if any discomfort persists or intensifies such as fever, pain, swelling or infections.

Look at the difference
before and after procedures

Before Image After Image


How should I prepare for the treatment?

Avoid tanning or significant sun exposure of the areas to be treated. Also avoid the use of photosensitizing medications (such as tetracycline or doxycycline) before a treatment, as this may exaggerate the skin response to treatment. It is also recommended to discontinue skin care products (such as Retin-A or Salicylic Acid) one week prior to treatment as this may make your skin more sensitive to the treatment

How soon should I expect results?

Most patients start to see some results after the first treatment. While many patients see great results after the first session, it still takes 2-4 treatments to obtain the results you desire.

What should I avoid after the treatment?

Sun exposure and tanning beds should be avoided post treatment, the use of mechanical exfoliants or harsh products such as retinol creams or glycolic acid creams, and excessive heat such as sauna or hot tubes immediately after treatment.

What will my skin look like immediately after a treatment?

The skin may have a pink/red appearance (erythema) post treatment for 24-48 hours. Sun spots or hyperpigmentation may appear to be darker. This darkness is the hyperpigmentation or sun damage surfacing. Overall the skin may look and feel tight.